Believers who invest their hearts, time, families, and finances in the building of a local church deserve to have confidence in church leadership. People are looking for leaders who conduct themselves with integrity and respect when making decisions that affect their lives.


  1.  Guided by Staff

The Staff is led by the Lead Pastor. This staff oversees the day-to-day ministry and operations of the church. This staff serve the congregation and are responsible for the development of the spiritual life of the church. 


  1. Protected by Elders

The Elders are the church board that support and serve the Church in spiritual and business roles. They serve the Senior Pastor, supporting him in the vision and direction God has given for the Church and holding him accountable in the areas of personal and public life. They are appointed by the Lead Pastor to oversee the finances and direct the provision of the facilities needed by the church.


  • Steven Schowengerdt
  • Deland Shore
  • Bill Kirkpatrick


  1. Strengthened by Overseers                

The Overseers are three pastors of respected congregations and ministries who love New Heights Church and its pastor and are willing to provide spiritual protection to the church. They may be called in to help in accountability matters relating to the Lead Pas­tor if requested to do so by the Elders. The Overseers serve as Apostolic Elders.


  • Pastor Dennis Slavens
  • Pastor Jude Fouquier
  • Pastor Hal Santos


  1. Church Finances

“A tithe of everything… belongs to the Lord; it is holy to the Lord.” Leviticus 27:30

At New Heights Church we practice tithing for the support of Christ’s Body, the church, as God commands. We recognize that giving 10% of our income is the Biblical standard of giving.

Many people love to give to God, but need to have confidence in the methods and pur­poses used by organizations to which they give. Therefore, there are a great number of people willing to give if they are able to see honesty, integrity, and genuine spiritual values reflected in the lifestyles of their church leaders.

The giving of tithes and offerings is worship to Jesus Christ and is an expression of the re­lationship between the individual giver and the Lord. Funds are not “income only,” they are worship, and must not be considered as a business transaction, but as an expression of gratitude toward God.